Fixer des Objectifs SBTi dans le Secteur de l’Énergie : Défis et Opportunités
Les entreprises du secteur de l’énergie font face à des défis uniques pour atteindre les objectifs SBTi. Earth Action explore les contradictions entre cadres mondiaux et stratégies nationales et propose des solutions comme le budget carbone et la comptabilisation des émissions évitées.
Navigating SBTi targets in the Energy Sector
Energy companies face unique challenges in meeting SBTi targets. Earth Action explores the contradictions between global frameworks and national strategies and offers solutions like carbon budgeting and avoided emissions frameworks.
Nouveaux défis en 2025 : Comment le règlement européen 2024 sur l’écoconception impacte les entreprises suisses
Avec l’entrée en vigueur du nouveau règlement européen sur l’écoconception (UE) 2024/1781, les entreprises suisses exportant vers l’Union européenne font face à des exigences renforcées en matière de durabilité. Ce règlement intègre plusieurs initiatives clés, comme la directive CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), la Taxonomie Verte de l’UE, et le Passeport Produit Numérique (Digital Product […]
Earth Action: Preparing for Our Next Chapter with a Future CEO/COO
As Earth Action continues to grow and scale its impact, co-CEOs Sarah Perreard and Julien Boucher are seeking an experienced CEO/COO to bring operational excellence and drive the next phase of EA’s growth. In this article, they share their journey, the collaborative model that defines EA, and why this leadership role is pivotal to scaling systemic sustainability solutions for the future.
Squad on a mission to do better: How Breitling is tackling its plastic footprint
Discover how Breitling is reducing plastic pollution with Earth Action, using data-driven strategies to reduce waste and deliver tangible outcomes for its full-scope sustainability strategy.
Integrating Plastic-Related Risks into Financial Valuation Models: Unlocking Private Finance
Integrating plastic-related risks into financial models: Earth Action’s new framework empowers investors to evaluate corporate performance on plastic pollution and health impacts for sustainable decision-making.
INC-5: A Crucial Week in the Global Fight Against Plastic Pollution
INC-5 in Busan marks a pivotal step toward a unified global response to plastic pollution, balancing ambition with pragmatism to shape the future of sustainability.
Harmonizing Environmental Footprinting Across Swiss Cantons: Supporting Collaborative Climate Action
At Earth Action, we believe in the power of science, collaboration, and action to drive the world toward sustainable practices within planetary boundaries.
Earth Action: Redefining Business for a Thriving Planet
At Earth Action, we believe in the power of science, collaboration, and action to drive the world toward sustainable practices within planetary boundaries.
Offener brief an die Parlamentarier: Die Schweiz muss Mut im Kampf gegen die Plastikverschmutzung beweisen
Offener Brief an die Parlamentarier, um sie aufzufordern, sofortige Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Plastikverschmutzung zu ergreifen.