Twenty years of microplastic pollution research – what we learned
Explore 20 years of research on microplastic pollution, uncovering key findings, global impacts, and strategies to tackle this critical environmental challenge.
EA for impact drives research and advocacy to tackle environmental challenges. We inform policy, empower businesses, and mobilise action to protect nature and people.
As the non-profit arm of Earth Action, EA for Impact uncovers emerging environmental threats and drives change through scientific research.
We turn knowledge into action, shaping policies and equipping decision-makers with solutions to address pollution, resource depletion, and climate challenges.
For 20 years, our founder has identified critical environmental challenges—starting with the first microplastics report. Today, EA for Impact continues to push boundaries, delivering data-driven insights to inform policies and corporate responsibility.
We provide governments, businesses, and communities with evidence-based solutions to reduce pollution, preserve ecosystems, and promote a just transition. Through collaboration, advocacy, and research, we ensure that science leads to real-world impact. Join us in shaping a healthier, more resilient future.
Plastic Overshoot Day is the date when the amount of plastic waste outweighs the world’s ability to manage it, with environmental pollution occurring as a result. In 2024 the world will reach Plastic Overshoot Day on September 05th. EA’s Plastic Overshoot Day initiative was launched in 2023 to support UN Plastics Treaty negotiators and other global actors working to address the plastic pollution crisis.
To establish global and local state of the plastic pollution crisis, EA analysts assessed 1000s of metrics and created new metrics to shed a new light on this crisis. This initiative calls upon engaged professionals and concerned individuals to contribute towards reversing the crisis of plastic pollution.
Initiatives & Actions
Swiss Climate Action is an initiative to identify, test and execute effective solutions to combat climate change in Switzerland. While numerous approaches have been proposed locally in the past, none have successfully engaged representatives from the entire Swiss ecosystem or identified strategies tailored specifically for the country.
Swiss Climate Action website offers a wealth of valuable information and insights about our project. We are actively seeking partnerships and collaboration opportunities with organizations that share our commitment to addressing climate change.
Initiatives & Actions
Unifying the methodologies and perspectives of leading scientists, experts, and global practitioners, the Plastic Footprint Network (PFN) enables organizations to understand the full impact, or footprint, from the use of plastic in their products and across their operations.
PFN was founded with the support and involvement of environmental consultancies, plastic credit providers, plastic standard setters, NGOs, business coalitions and brand owners. Members contribute to and benefit from a single, unified venue to source their secondary data and metrics about plastic pollution and are supported in their efforts to measure and mitigate plastic pollution through a clear and regularly updated methodology along with direct support from experts, consultancies and other network partners.
Initiatives & Actions
Swiss Plastic Action (SPA), led by EA for Impact, drives policy change and collective action against plastic pollution in Switzerland. As a hub for research, advocacy, and stakeholder engagement, SPA delivers data-driven insights to influence government and industry decisions.
SPA collaborates with NGOs, policymakers, and businesses to develop science-based policies, support legislative action, and push for ambitious plastic reduction strategies. It has played a key role in advancing regulations, quantifying Switzerland’s plastic footprint, and mobilizing public and political support.
By uniting experts and decision-makers, SPA keeps plastic pollution high on the national agenda. Through research, advocacy, and policy interventions, it empowers citizens and institutions to drive change. Support SPA to help shape a more sustainable future for Switzerland.
EA for Impact builds on 20 years of uncovering emerging environmental challenges, starting with the first microplastics report. We bring critical issues to policymakers, businesses, and the public, using data-driven research to shape policies, drive corporate accountability, and turn knowledge into action.
Explore 20 years of research on microplastic pollution, uncovering key findings, global impacts, and strategies to tackle this critical environmental challenge.
Ce rapport propose une modélisation des fuites de plastiques en Suisse et des scénarios quantifiés de réduction de la pollution plastique d’ici 2040.
This report presents the most current and accurate results of microplastic leakage into the oceans and onto land.
The latest study sheds light on the leakage of additives into the environment. This report has gained significant attention in the news.
The new research provides the first estimate of the leakage of plastic paint into the environment. This discovery has garnered significant attention worldwide.
This report provides the first-ever global assessment of microplastic leakage into the ocean and compares it with the leakage from mismanaged waste on a regional scale.
EA for Impact is a 100% non-profit initiative. Your support fuels cutting-edge research, stronger environmental policies, and corporate accountability. Join us in the movement to:
✅ Drive Science-Based Policy at global and national levels
✅ Hold Corporations Accountable for plastic waste
✅ Amplify Research & Advocacy through global media
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EA – Earth Action
Lausanne, Switzerland
Ch. des vignes d’argent 7
1004 Lausanne Suisse
Thank you for supporting EA for impact, a not-for-profit initiative.
Your contribution will go towards driving science-based policy at global and national levels, holding corporations accountable for plastic waste, and amplifying research & advocacy through global media.
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Ch. des vignes d’argent 7
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EA – Earth Action
Lausanne, Switzerland
Ch. des vignes d’argent 7
1004 Lausanne Suisse